In this Lesson

Are you feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious?


Isabelle Bridges

Introduce your brand

This month's theme in The Mother’s Empowerment Sisterhood Membership...

Simplify Your Projects

Here's a list of ways you can embody this theme in your life this month:

• Go through the How to Simplify Your Projects Masterclass and complete the accompanying playbook exercise. 

• Look at your list of projects and see if there's anything that drains you or doesn't the core desired emotion you'd like it to, given the amount of time and energy it requires of you.

• Sit with your journal on the Full Moon and journal about the following questions:

» What feels old or stagnant in my life?

» What feels heavy in my life?

» What's preventing me from stepping into my fullness right now?

» What used to serve me but is ready to leave my experience?

» Burn the piece of paper in a ritual of letting go.

• Listen to this month's Simplify Projects playlist and do the dance of letting go in whatever way your body wants to express it.

• Sit in an epsom salt bath and imagine everything that's no longer serving you being pulled out of you and going down the drain when you're done.

• Think of all your major relationships. Is there anyone you are spending a lot of time with that feels draining? What kind of plan can you make to set a boundary with this person, so you can have the energetic capacity to welcome in people who delight you. (In this way, we simplify not only our projects, but our lives!)

• What habits do you currently have that drain your life force? Picking up your phone 10x/day to look at Instagram? Reading email or the news first thing in the morning? Drinking wine every day? Eating chips late at night? Going to bed late because you're glued to your computer screen? Which habit would you like to let go of? What can you replace it with? Declare it in the Facebook group so we can support you!

• Is there a situation in your life that's overly complicated? What story are you telling yourself about it? What are you making it mean? Is your story serving you? If not, would you be willing to let it go and see things differently?

• Choose your own simplicity adventure and tell us about it in the Facebook group to inspire your fellow ME Sisters!